Server-side Tracking

Step 1 - Tracking Visits

Please copy/paste the following code into the <head> section of every page on your website where you expect your affiliates to drive traffic. Make sure to replace YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY below with the Public API key from your Refersion account.

! function(e, n, t, i, o, c, s, a) {
    e.TrackingSystemObject = "r", (s = n.createElement(t)).async = 1, s.src = "", s.onload = function() {
        r.pubKey = "YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY", r.settings.fp_off = !1;
        r.initializeXDLS().then(() => {
    }, (a = n.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(s, a)
}(window, document, "script");

Step 2 - Sending orders via a JSON webhook

You can report orders to Refersion by creating a Webhook. Usually, this option requires a greater amount of development work since you'll be "posting" order information to us directly from your server.

There are two requirements for this implementation:

  1. Sending us a cart_id using a short JavaScript code on your "thank you" page so that we may reference any future Webhook reported to the session.
  2. An HTTP POST of the actual order information from your server, which contains the previously reported cart_id.

The cart_id value

When we receive any Webhooks, we must associate it with a previously captured browser session. However, since Webhooks are reported from the server-side and not the browser-side, we can not access the relevant customer's session information. For this reason, we use the cart_id value as a common identifier that we can reference. We ask you to report a cart_id on your "thank you" page where we store session information and then a second time in the Webhook so that we may associate it with the aforementioned browser session from the JavaScript call.

Simple chart of thank you and cart pages linked with arrows pointing to cart ID and saying it must match on both

The cart_id may be any string value up to 255 characters.

For security, make sure that cart_id is not sequential or may be easily guessed such as a session ID or an encrypted version of several strings.


const rfsn = {
    cart: "YOUR-CART-ID",
    id: localStorage.getItem("rfsn_v4_id"),
    url: window.location.href,
    aid: localStorage.getItem("rfsn_v4_aid"),
    cs: localStorage.getItem("rfsn_v4_cs")
r.sendCheckoutEvent(rfsn.cart,, rfsn.url, rfsn.aid, rfsn.cs);

You must replace "YOUR-CART-ID" with the actual cart_id value from your site. Please make sure to include the double-quotes.


In order to function properly, the click tracking code described in Step 1 and this code must run on the same domain and security level (http/https).

Posting the Webhook

Data must be reported as JSON string which contains the order data as well as the cart_id. You Refersion API keys (public and secret) should be sent in the header of the request. Below is an example of the JSON that we are expecting.

	"cart_id": "DDXqfBngTWuX8N8Asqr2mY3RkmHCXdM7Vz6mdHkjwrEnN5zyRY",
	"order_id": "20150401102883",
	"shipping": 9.99,
	"tax": 0.57,
	"discount": 2.25,
	"discount_code": "HOLIDAY1",
	"currency_code": "USD",
		"first_name": "John",
		"last_name": "Doe",
		"email": "",
		"ip_address": ""
	"items": [
			"price": 5.50,
			"quantity": 2,
			"sku": "PROD_A",
			"name": "Product A"
			"price": 10.00,
			"quantity": 1,
			"sku": "PROD_B",
			"name": "Product B"
			"price": 15.00,
			"quantity": 3,
			"sku": "PROD_C",
			"name": "Product C"

To deliver this data to us to you must send it via an HTTP POST. Below is example PHP code using cURL.


// The complete data that you are sending
$order_data = array(...); // Omitting data for demonstration

// Convert array into JSON
$json_data = json_encode($order_data);

// The URL that you are posting to
$url = '';

// Start cURL
$curl = curl_init($url);

// Verify that our SSL is active (for added security)
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE);

// Send as a POST
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');

// The JSON data that you have already compiled
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_data);

// Return the response

// Set headers to be JSON-friendly
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Content-Length: ' . strlen($json_data),
    'Refersion-Public-Key: YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY',
    'Refersion-Secret-Key: YOUR-SECRET-KEY')

// Seconds (30) before giving up
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);

// Execute post, capture response (if any) and status code
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

// Close connection

Variable Descriptions

Transaction Data

A transaction represents the entire order that occurred, and contains the following values:

cart_idStringYes - Webhook onlyCart ID that matches what you're reported as rfsn.cart in the r.sendCheckoutEvent() function, as per above.
order_idStringYesUnique shopping cart order ID or transaction number used to reference the purchase that you're reporting.
subscription_idStringYes - Subscriptions onlyFor subscription purchases only: A unique identifier that represents the whole subscription, which can be a reference to all of the individual order_ids within this subscription.

Only available in webhook reporting.
is_subscriptionBooleanYes - Subscriptions onlyIf you are reporting an event which belongs to a subscription, set this to TRUE, otherwise leave blank.

Only available in webhook reporting.
auto_credit_affiliate_idNumberNo(optional) The ID of the affiliate you'd like to credit the order to.
shippingNumberNoTotal shipping and handling the customer was charged for the order.
taxNumberNoTotal tax the customer was charged for the order.
discountNumberNoTotal in discounts that were applied to the order.
discount_codeStringNoThe discount or coupon code that was used on the order.
currency_codeStringYesThe three letter currency code of the order totals that you are reporting. Example: USD, CAD, GBP.

Customer Data

A customer represents the individual customer who purchased, and contains the following values:

first_nameStringNoCustomer’s first name.
last_nameStringNoCustomer’s last name.
emailStringNoCustomer’s email address.
ip_addressStringNoThe IP address of the customer.

Item Data

An item represents an individual product that the customer had ordered, and contains the following values:

skuStringYesA unique Product SKU or identifier ID. Can be blank, but we highly recommend that you populate the field.
nameStringNoThe name of the item.
quantityNumberYesTotal quantity ordered of the product.
priceNumberYesPrice of each item. For example, if the customer ordered 10 items at $5 each, you should report $5, not $50. Do not include currency symbols.